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News > Bilton Grange Society News > BG/OB Invitational XI set to play the Cryptics Cricket Club

BG/OB Invitational XI set to play the Cryptics Cricket Club

Cryptics Cricket Club XI v OB/BG Invitational XI

Back in 1910, the Masters of Bilton Grange were well known for playing a very good standard of cricket. (Some might lament, oh how times have changed)!

However, it was a match that took place on our 1st XI square which started the life of the Cryptics Cricket Club and they are still a thriving nomadic club today.

In 2010, to mark their centenary, we fielded an all-star BG/OB XI to play them on our wonderful ground. And now, as part of our 150th anniversary celebrations, I am delighted to confirm that we will be playing them again, in a match on Sunday 19th May 11:30-4:00pm.

It should be a great match with some decent cricket on show and we invite all members of the Bilton Grange community to bring along a picnic and join us for the day or afternoon.

Mr Mark G Tovey

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