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News > Bilton Grange Society News > A History of the Cryptics Cricket Club, and its role in our BG150 celebrations

A History of the Cryptics Cricket Club, and its role in our BG150 celebrations

On Sunday 19 May, the Cryptics CC XI played their first game of the season against OB/BG Invitational XI, as part of the BG150 Celebrations (match report to follow!) 

It was a match that took place on our 1st XI square which started the life of the Cryptics Cricket Club, and they are still a thriving nomadic club today. Find out more about the significance of the Cryptics Cricket Club below: 

The Club was founded in May 1910 at New College, Oxford. The founders were J G Fawcus, Hon Secretary from 1910 to 1949; C H Campbell, Hon Treasurer from 1910 to 1922; Dr D M P Whitcombe, President from 1951 to 1957 and Sir G R F Tottenham - all undergraduates at New College. To these were added, as original members in the same year, W Laidlaw, O D Paget-Cooke and J F Haynes of Oxford; also the Rev E E Raven and W A Darlington of Cambridge. The first President, and original member, was Lt Col L E Fawcus, who held this office from 1910 until his death in 1951.

The founders had considerable difficulty in selecting a suitable name. After much deliberation, the Hon Secretary walked over to his bookcase and took down at random a volume of Dickens. The first word which caught his eye was "Cryptic", and it was promptly decided that this was the right word, as the Greek...means "I conceal" - giving the idea of "Hidden Lights", which was what the founders conceived themselves to be.

The original colours were green for the fields and magenta for New College, but it was soon discovered that these clashed with other clubs and regiments, so they were put on a dark blue background to represent the eight Oxford original members.  The light blue stripe was included to represent the two Cambridge original members. The entrance fee was 2/6 and annual subscription 5/-.

The first match was against the Bilton Grange Masters at Bilton Grange on 28 June 1910. The first season was socially a great success, even if it must he admitted that the Cricket was at times disappointing. Of the eight matches arranged, only one victory was recorded against five defeats. By the end of 1910, there were 39 members. The report for the following season reads:

"The season of 1911 was very successful in every way. Out of twenty-two matches played, ten were won, five lost and seven were left drawn. The batting was usually of a high order, but, apart from the Midland Tour, the attack was seldom strong enough to get sides out on good wickets. Forty-two members have been elected during the year."

The three centuries that year were all scored by founders - J G Fawcus, C H Campbell and D M P Whitcombe.

JG Fawcus was Headmaster of BG between 1930-1936. 

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