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News > Bilton Grange Society News > Match Report: OB/BG Invitational XI v Cryptics Cricket Club XI

Match Report: OB/BG Invitational XI v Cryptics Cricket Club XI

On Sunday 19th May, we welcomed the Cryptics Cricket Club to play in a return home fixture to celebrate our 150th celebrations this year. The link with the school and club dates back to 1910 where the Cryptics played their first ever game at Bilton Grange on our 1st XI square.

It was a glorious day as the sun shone, the grounds and the cricket square looked immaculate ready for this historic occasion. Captains Mr Mark Tovey and Ed Montague (President) met on the square to toss and get the game underway. Cryptics won the toss and elected to bat first.

The atmosphere was wonderful, and the game got off to a bright start with some excellent bowling from H. Harrison (1-11) and S. Bevin (0-10). The Cryptics openers looked calm and collected but H. Harrison bowled a jaffa which was well caught by our late draft player and keeper, J. Evans. The next ball, we dropped S. Barras (98*) (brother of F.Barras on the BG/OB team) who went on to smash the ball around the park. The other Cryptics opener J. Firth (100*) batted beautifully and was too good for our bowling attack. The OB President T. Day (2-32) was the standout bowler for us taking two wickets at the end of our 25 overs. The Cryptics posted a big total of 223-3.

After a super lunch, the BG/OB took to the crease, E. King (8) and M. Nobes (50) both struck the ball hard and got us off to an attacking start. C. Robards (63*) and S. Bevin (50) but continued the run chase with aggressive shots and rotating the strike. It was R. Gregory (33*) and F. Barras (14*) that saw us over the line to seal the win with 4 overs to spare.

After the game, the captains shared a few words to with the players and M. Tovey shared some thank you’ s to all those who had helped and support make this special occasion run so smoothly. M. Tovey presented the Cryptics with a pendant to mark the occasion and the Head, G. Jones presented both Cryptics batsman with a bottle of 150th BG wine to mark their fine innings. In reply, the Crypics President shared a few anecdotes about the history of this fixture and thank Bilton Grange of hosting this event.

Finally, it should be noted that Dean (Head Groundsman) and Sally (Head of Catering) both made huge contributions to the day, and it was hugely appreciated by everyone in attendance.

This was another excellent event which marked the 150th celebrationary year of the school.

19th May 2024

Mr Mark . G. Tovey


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