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News > Bilton Grange Society News > Bilton Grange to Seal Time Capsule at BG150 Closing Tea Party

Bilton Grange to Seal Time Capsule at BG150 Closing Tea Party

On 23 June we will be concluding our BG150 Celebrations with a Closing Tea Party, marking the end of a year-long series of events commemorating the school's 150th anniversary. A highlight of the event will be the sealing of a time capsule designed to provide a snapshot of life at Bilton Grange in 2024. The capsule will be prominently displayed in the newly constructed boarding house for all to see, and will be opened in 2074, 50 years from now. 

As part of the school community, we invite you to contribute suggestions for inclusion in the time capsule, by clicking this link.

This project has been generously supported by members of the Bilton Grange Society, who donated the time capsule, ensuring a lasting legacy of the BG150 celebrations.

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