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News > Bilton Grange Society News > Cricket Under Blue Skies: Biltonian Select XI v. The Marylebone Cricket Club

Cricket Under Blue Skies: Biltonian Select XI v. The Marylebone Cricket Club

Beautiful blue skies and a serene setting for a cricket celebration greeted the players arriving at the Carr Pavilion to play for the Biltonian Select XI and the Marylebone Cricket Club. All credit to the grounds team for the quality of the field but also for the true nature of the pitch itself. Some high quality batting was exhibited as a consequence of the reliable surface prepared. The nature of the bowling at times matched the bountiful buffet nature of the catering - help yourself! - but nothing should detract from the high-class century, 104, scored by Marco Higgins, who opened the batting for the MCC, successfully surviving a committed appeal for caught behind, given not out by the BGS President, standing in the game in partnership with Mike from Warwickshire CCC.

In traditional fashion, the MCC had 'won' the toss and elected to bat. A respectable total of 234 for 9 off the allotted 40 overs could have proved to be a testing target, but it was certainly not insurmountable, given the strength in depth of the BG XI. Cleverly, the Biltonians contrived that the MCC opening batters started their innings believing the game to be a declaration affair, but once they realised that in fact the limited overs format was to be employed, a scoring acceleration put the BG bowlers under some significant pressure.  Zac Wenham and skipper, James 'Doggy' Barker, pulled the run-rate back and exerted some control. Hugh Cochrane and Richard Montgomerie chipped in with useful wickets, and ensured that the BG batters had an opportunity to earn kudos.

Former Northamptonshire and Sussex professional Richard Montgomerie opened with former Rugby CC legend Charlie Robards. A secure opening stand was ended when Charlie mistimed a drive, but Richard scored a charming 43 before before being taken beautifully at gully by BG Fader Steven Chessell. Matty Nobes entered the fray, wielding Sam Curran's bat, and proceeded to bat like a man possessed by the spirit of the man himself, flailing some huge sixes into the midwicket area. Thankfully, the bouncy castle and the bouncing children were protected by a canopy of trees. Both Matty and Sam Bevin scored half-centuries, and Hugh Cochrane added useful runs too. Thus victory was assured by the handsome margin of 6 wickets.

Speeches of thanks were made by the Head, and previous notable games played at the same ground were recalled - Cryptics CC in 1910, Old England in 1947, the President and Monty opening the batting for the Colts Under 11s in 1981 etc. This is where it all began for the players on show. Memories of the committed coaching of Ken Waydelin, Jeff Tolchard, Mick Norman and the rest came flooding back.

The match balls were placed dutifully in the BG150 time capsule, and can perhaps be redeployed in the MCC game scheduled for June 2073. What a fabulous way to conclude the BG150 year! Sincere thanks to all those who have served to make the sesquicentenary so successful.

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