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News > Bilton Grange Society News > A Nostalgic Gathering for OB Day

A Nostalgic Gathering for OB Day

OB Day brings a sense of nostalgia as several generations of Old Biltonians and Old Homefieldians convene to celebrate that their School remains “more than a school to us”. Before the BG Society AGM began in the Pugin Library, the attendees mingled in the Gallery with refreshments. Reacquainting friendships and recollecting stories, amidst an intriguing display of archive materials. Leading the formal proceedings of the meeting were Tim Day (President), Gareth Jones (Headmaster) and David Searle (Honorary Secretary). Details of the meeting will be available separately in the minutes. Solemn respects were paid as the names of those who had passed away recently were read out. It was a poignant moment for Bilton Grange to reflect on “the glory of those, who were hers in the days gone by”. With the business of the AGM concluded, a rousing rendition of The Bilton Song was sung. “Now let us praise our school, as she dreams by beauty surrounded” seems a particularly apt lyric in the circumstances, with the buildings and estate looking magnificent over the BG150 celebratory weekend.

The members enjoyed a Pimms Drinks reception followed by a splendid buffet lunch in the sunshine. With the Bilton Song ringing in their ears, the OBs experienced first-hand “her beauty being quick with life”, as the plethora of ingenious summer fair stalls from the collective imaginations of the current pupils appeared before them.

A tour of the School’s refurbished facilities offered panoramic views of the new boarding house building site and admiration for the Ken Waydelin Hockey pitch. A walk through the ‘Wild Gardens’, saw several strolling down memory lane for a nostalgic evocation of their childhood self.

The OB Golf match was keenly contested, with A. Day winning with a score of 37, second, Searle (39) and third, E. Day (41).

The nature of OB Day requires planning and hard work from many aspects of the Bilton Grange team and the Rugbeian Community Office. Thank you to all, for making the event a successful and enjoyable occasion.

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