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News > Club News > BG Faders CC 136-2 beat Rugby School Old Guard 133-1

BG Faders CC 136-2 beat Rugby School Old Guard 133-1

24 Jun 2024
Written by Chris Latham
Club News

On a glorious afternoon, The Close was the venue for the annual match against the Rugby School Old Guard. A pristine pitch had been prepared by the ground staff, which soon became a batter’s delight as the Old Guard set about their innings. The opening pair of S. Pointon (29) and B. Dains (27) got off to a flying start and retired unbeaten. Undeterred, the Faders continued to get through the overs with a steady bowling attack and some tight fielding, which helped to slow the run rate. A couple of good chances for a breakthrough came and went. Further unbeaten stands from the next two batters R. Snowden (27) and H. Higginson (28) pushed the Old Guard score over 110. In the 19th over the wicket deadlock was broken when T. Coates stepped up to take the only wicket for the Faders with a looping delivery taking the top of leg stump. The Old Guard posting a score of 134 to win.

The opening pair of R. Gregory and D. Murari set about the task, building another impressive opening partnership. R. Gregory retired on 26 which brought S. Mackay to the crease who was keen to maintain his impressive strike rate from the previous match. His knock of 26 from 12 balls and another steady 26 for D. Murari helped accelerate the Faders up towards the 100 mark. A brilliant spell from A. Pursell for the Old Guard dismissed a couple of middle order batters for ducks before the arrival of A. Baird and T. Coates shored things up. The final runs were scored by A. Baird who retired on 28 with a smash to cow corner over the head of the diving fielder. The BG Faders win! All in all, a thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable evening of cricket in a stunning setting.

Chris Latham 

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