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News > Rugby School News > Griffin House Gardener, Marc Smerklo, Creates Moving Piece of Garden Art

Griffin House Gardener, Marc Smerklo, Creates Moving Piece of Garden Art

Griffin House Gardener, Marc Smerklo has created a moving piece of garden sculpture in the run up to Pride Month.

"The Furtive Tear" is an installation that recognises the Pride movement and is a dedication for those individuals who have strived and are still striving for a more open, accepting and compassionate world.

Marc comments that 'the furtive tear secretly wept, laid down on shackled chains is a metaphor for all the taboo, shame, hurt, persecution and non-acceptance of this historical struggle which in the past has caused so much physical and emotional pain. The heads represent humanity looking in at itself, a reflective understanding of the Pride Movement, and the world becoming a better place because of it.'

We'd highly recommend taking a moment to visit and appreciate this stunning piece of art, based in Griffin House Gardens. 

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