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News > Rugbeian Community of North America > A spirited summer get together for Rugbeians in Manhattan

A spirited summer get together for Rugbeians in Manhattan

Bryant Park Grill’s Rooftop Bar was again the venue for a spirited summer get together and with Rugbeian revelers ranging from one of the first female students at Rugby to a Thailand campus graduate; it felt like evolution was for all to see and enjoy. In the heat of the evening, Manhattan seemed far away from the Hillmorton Road and we enjoyed the shared experiences and reminiscences til late. ORs and their guests enjoyed each other’s company as one, inclusivity surely one of Rugby’s greatest traits. An erstwhile captain of the XV to a retired anaethestist rounded out our eclectic group and we look forward to building on our number for the next events.

As usual, the evening was made possible by the indefatigable Jim Whitcomb; his (somewhat frayed) OR tie and (evergreen) bonhomie signalled that we were to gather as a group amidst the throng of midtown workers - he was naturally last to leave. New York it seems, does sleep….

Will McCaw (W 99-00)

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